Call 24hrs: 01709 522883

Keepsakes &

Mourner with umbrella


Keepsakes offer the opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one with something special you can keep close to you that will last a lifetime. Please see a list of companies who can offer everything from jewellery made from ashes or hair to a finger print of a loved one who has passed embossed onto a keepsake.

If you think that you’d like a keepsake made of your loved one’s fingerprints, then please let us know as soon as possible.

Ashes into Glass

Ashes into Glass ®

legacy expressions

Legacy Expression

hand-on-heart jewellery

Hand on Heart Jewelry

Bereavement Support

The following organisation can help with practical, legal matters and emotional support:


National Bereavement Support

0800 024 6121


Cruse Bereavement Support

0808 808 1677

Other information you may need

Floral Tributes for funerals

Things to consider after a family member’s death

Arranging a funeral

Arranging a funeral

Family Funeral Directors

Meet the JH Clark Family